Government Enterprise and Empowerment Program (GEEP)
The Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme is a micro-lending investment programme that provides businesses for the bottom of the financial pyramid. The beneficiaries include traders, women cooperatives, market women, enterprising youth, farmers, and agricultural workers at no interest rate.
The Government Enterprise and Empowerment Program was established to provide financial support and training to businesses and entrepreneurs at the bottom of the financial pyramid.
By providing low-cost micro-lending to over a million women, enterprising youths, agricultural workers, and other vulnerable economic producers, the Government Enterprise and Empowerment Program supports the development of otherwise low-productivity sectors of the population, bringing millions of people into the modern economy and lifting communities out of poverty.
A federal grant of N140 billion (US$388,888.88) was invested in the program with the goal of reaching over a million women, 200,000 artisans and MSMEs, 260,000 youth business ventures, and 200,000 farmers and agricultural workers.
4. National Home Grown School Feeding Program (NHGSFP)